Guitar Syllabus:

Pentatonic scale studies
Technique studies to improve dexterity and finger independance
String bends and slides
Hammer-ons and pull-offs
Major and minor scales
Modal scales
Scale patterns
Symmetric Scales such as the Diminished and Whole Tone Scales
Reading music
Rhythm studies
Speed / sweep picking
Whammy bar technique
Finger tapping
Speed development exercises
3 Note per string scales
Sweep picked arpeggios
Tremolo picking
Basic and advanced chords
Rhythm guitar studies covering various music styles from blues, funk,reggae and rock
Double stops
Chordal embellishment
Sound manipulation techniques covering various guitars, amps and effects
Band performance - playing songs with backing tracks and with live drums
Soloing techniques in the styles of Jimi Hendrix, Slash, David Gilmour, Mark Knopfler, Stevie-Ray Vaughan, Joe Satriani and Steve Vai.
Huge repertoire of songs available to cover from Led Zeppelin to The Foo Fighters.